m² lab space


fume hoods


m² glove box space

CategoryEquipment nameComments
ElectrochemistryBattery cycler unitsArbin: 88 channels
Biologic BCS-810: 64 channels
ElectrochemistryBiologic potentiostat/galvanostat unitsSeveral BSC-810, SP-240, SP-300, VSP-300, and VMP-300 systems; in total: ~ 75 channels. Options include: potentiostat, galvanostat, impedance spectroscopy, low current option, linear scan generator
ElectrochemistryCentrifugal mixerSpeedmixer DAC 150 SP from Hauschild for homogeneous mixing
ElectrochemistryClimate chamberSeveral units for operation of battery and desalination experiments
Range: 5°C to +100°C or -40°C to +180°C
Temperature stability: < 1°C
ElectrochemistryCoin cell pressMechanical and electric press systems (MTI and Hohsen)
Facile coin cell manufacturing
Several units
ElectrochemistryCoin cell assembly automated systemAutomatized coin cell assembly system by cellerate
ElectrochemistryElectrochemical cells & reference electrodesFor aqueous and organic electrolytes and ionic
2 and 3 electrode measurements
Custom made compression cells
Commercial EL-Cell test cells
Conventional Swagelock cells
Conventional coin cells
ElectrochemistryElectrochemical dilatometerTwo units for measurements in aqueous electrolytes, organic electrolytes, or ionic liquids
ElectrochemistryElectrochemical pressure cellMeasurements of pressure-buildup in electrochemical cells
ElectrochemistryElectrochemical quartz crystal microbalance1-10 MHz
Static mode or flow cell mode
ElectrochemistryFour-point probe stageRounded tips for fiber measurements; commercial system (JANDEL) and self-built units available
ElectrochemistryGamry Reference 6001-channel system
Impedance spectroscopy
ElectrochemistryGlove boxSeveral MBraun systems
Oxygen and humidity sensors
Solvent removal system
In-built high-temperature furnace
ElectrochemistryHot rolling machineSeveral units of rolling machines from MTI f or electrode calendaring and dry electrode processing
ElectrochemistryGlove box for battery autopsy glove boxMBraun glovebox for safe battery disassembly
In-built IR camera
ElectrochemistryRotating ring disk electrode apparatusRRDE3A system
Currently set up for glassy carbon disc with
platinum ring
Electrochemistryrhd conductivity probe Microcell HCMeasurement of electrolyte conductivity from -40°C to +100°C
ElectrochemistryTape castingSeveral units for casting coaters (incl. MTI mini tape caster)
Material characterizationGas sorption unitTwo Autosorb-iQ systems
Designed for nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxid
Additional chemisorption unit
Pressure range: down to 50-10 mbar
Total of 5 measurement channels
Material characterizationHeating stageLinkam CCR1000
Compatible with Raman spectrometer for in situ measurements
Up to 1000°C
Controllable atmosphere
Material characterizationRenishaw inVia Raman spectrometerAvailable wavelengths: 532 & 633 nm
Fully automatized xyz-stage
Combined with fiber optical probe (40 m cable)
Material characterizationScanning electron microscopeZeiss Gemini SEM 500, incl. plasma cleaner, heating stage, inert gas transfer chamber, and OXFORD EDX system
Material characterizationThermogravimetric analyzerNetzsch Libra TG 209 F1; equipped with an automated sample changer (64)
Temperature range up to 1100°C
Up to 2 g sample mass
Mass resolution: 0.1 μg
Material characterizationThickness testerLabthink C640 thickness tester for high-precision thickness measurements of electrodes
Material characterizationTitration via coulmetric titrationMetrohm ECO Coulometer coulmetric Karl Fischer titration setup to determine water level in organic electrolytes (esp. ionic liquids)
Material characterizationTitration via potentiometric titrationMetrohm 848 Titrino plus
Potentiometric titrator for acid/base titrations (e.g., Boehm-titration)
Material characterizationX-ray diffractionTwo Bruker D8 systems:

D8 Discover with Lynxeye and optional VANTAC
detector, Göbel mirrors

Bruker D8 Advance with a 1D detector (Bragg Brentano)

Analysis software (TOPAS for Rietveld and EVA & MATCH for phase analysis)
SynthesisAtomic layer deposition systemPlasma and thermal ALD
Fully enclosed in an inert gas glove box
SynthesisBall millingPlanetary micro mill (Pulverisette 7)
SynthesisBüchi glass ovenGlass oven (Büchi B585) for sample heating
SynthesisCarbolite Gero aluminum oxide tube furnaceup to 1200°C, inert and oxidative atmospheres
SynthesisCarbolite Gero H2S treatment furnaceUp to 1100°C
Controllable atmosphere
Automatized gas flow and process flow
For synthesis of transition metal dichalcogenides and other sulfides
SynthesisCarbolite Gero high temperature furnace LHTGUp to 2000°C
inert gas or light vacuum
SynthesisCarbolite Gero vacuum / inert gas pyrolysis furnace ALOXup to 1700°C, inert, vacuum, reducing atmosphere; esp. for carbide synthesis, carbonization, pyrolysis
SynthesisCentrifugeHigh-speed centrifuge (megafuge ST1R Plus)
SynthesisChlorination and ammonia treatment furnaceUp to 1100°C
Controllable atmosphere
Automatized gas flow and process flow
Certified for the use of chlorine, hydrogen,
argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and ammonia
SynthesisHydrothermal autoclavesSeveral units of Teflon autoclaves from Berghof
SynthesisMECC nanofiber electrospinnerDrum and plate collector
Coaxial and monoaxial spinning
Heated spinneret
SynthesisMicrowavePYRO.lab microwave system for processing ceramic powder
SynthesisXerion PendelofenOscillating furnace mounted in a glove box
Water treatmentCapacitive deionization systemsSuitable for CDI and all other forms of electrochemical desalination (CDI, HCDI, FCDI, MCDI, battery desalination, flow battery desalination, and fuel cell desalination).
ca. 10 units available, most set-up inside climate chambers
Custom-built CDI units
Apt for desalination of brackish or sea water salinity levels
Water treatmentICP-OES system for online monitoring of desalinationTwo ICP-OES Arcos systems
Online monitoring, especially for ion-selectivity within the CDI/FDI context
130-770 nm wavelength range
750 mm focal length
Fastest measurement time: 2 s
Selected instruments

Material synthesis

Sample/electrode preparation

Material characterization

Selected impressions