Dr. Samantha Husmann was selected to attend the prestigious 2022 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. She is one of only 611 young scientists selected in a highly competitive process from across the globe. This year, the topic is chemistry, perfectly reflected by Samantha’s research on next generation electrochemical materials (including, but not limited to, Prussian blue and Prussian blue analogues). Her positive energy and visionary research perspective will enrich the LINO22!

It was an honor to meet and talk with Saarland Minister-President (prime minister) Tobias Hans during his visit to INM. We discussed our research on alternative batteries and energy-efficient lithium-ion-battery recycling. Read more about the visit online and on LinkedIn (our LinkedIn, the INM LinkedIn, and the PM’s LinkedIn). We are grateful that, the very next day, the state TV broadcasting station Saarländischer Rundfunk paid us also a visit and made a 2 min clip about our recycling project, kindly financially supported by the EU via European Regional Development Fund. The clip aired during the very popular segment “Aktueller Bericht“, and you can watch it via access to the SR Mediathek.

We are very fortunate to welcome new group members to our team!

  • Bowen Dong is joining us as a Ph.D. student supported by the China Scholarship Council. Bowen has graduated from China University of Geosciences (China) and will be working on MXene batteries.
  • Jerome Baudin is joining us as a EEIGM student. Jerome is enrolled in the EEIGM program and his last host University in this international program was Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France). He will be working on layered metal oxide batteries.
  • Lexane Deligniere is joining us as a EEIGM student. Lexane is enrolled in the EEIGM program and her last host University in this international program was Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France). She will be working on water desalination with layered metal oxides.
  • Xiao Zhang is joining us as a EEIGM student and as a student intern. Xiao is enrolled in the EEIGM program and her last host University in this international program was Saarland University. She will be working on MXene desalination.

Welcome new Postdoc Dr. Qingsong Wang! Having obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and worked at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute of Nanotechnology, he will be working on MXene and other next-generation electrode materials.

Welcome visiting Ph.D. student Antonio Gentile! Antonio is from University of Milano-Bicocca (group of Riccardo Ruffo) and will be working in the coming six months on MXene electrode systems.

Welcome new Ph.D. student Yunjie Li! Having done her Master at Shandong University, Yunjie will be doing her Ph.D. study with us on lithium-ion batteries.

Welcome new Master Student Wyatt Bellville! Wyatt is enroled at the AMASE program and will carry out his 6 month Master thesis in our team on the topic of MXene derived electrode materials.

Congratulations to Dr. Hwirim Shim! Hwirim has successfully defended her thesis entitled “Nano-design of metal oxide electrodes for Li- and Na-ion hybrid energy storage” today. The committee included Guido Kickelbick, Tobias Kraus, and Frank Aubertin.

Congratulations to our alumni Dr. Simon Fleischmann (PhD 2018) for winning the 2020 YESS Award to carry out research to investigate the transition from Faradaic to non-Faradaic energy storage (RS2E French Research Network on Electrochemical Energy Storage) and Dr. Pattarachai Srimuk (PhD 2019) for winning the 2020 UMSICHT Award (Fraunhofer UMSICHT) and the Leibniz Dissertation Award (Leibniz Association) for work on desalination batteries.

Welcome to our team! Fabian Schmitt will support our research activities related to environmentally friendly energy storage technologies. Florian is enrolled at the materials science and engineering bachelor program ATLANTIS, which is a binational program between Saarland University and the Oregon State University.

Welcome to our team! Marie Besch and Lola Bieber are enrolled in the EEIGM program, an international (European) Master program. Marie will be supporting our research activities related to MXene and Lola will work on electrodes for selective ion recovery.

Welcome new student intern Behnoosh Bornamehr (from Saarland University) and scientist Tamara Winter (from TU Darmstadt)! Behnoosh is working on advanced electrode materials and Tamara will enhance our research on soft electrode technology.

Welcome to our new technician, Ms. Zeyu Fu, who is joining our team.

Srimuk Pattarachai was selected to attend the 2020 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (postponed to 2021 because of Covid-19) as a Fellow. He was selected as one of only 650 total attendees, selected from a highly competitive global call.

Volker Presser was accepted into the Royal Society of Chemistry as a Fellow (Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry = FRSC).

Welcome our new PhD student Lei Wang! Being a CSC scholar, he will explore Faradaic materials for electrochemical water treatment.

Welcome new student intent Kathleen Frisella from Oregon State University. Being enrolled in the ATLANTIS program, she will be supporting our research on next-generation desalination technologies.

Pattarachai Srimuk has successfully defended his thesis entitled “Faradaic electrode materials for next-generation electrochemical water desalination”. Read his thesis online!