Volker Presser gives a seminar talk at Lancaster University, UK, entitled “Nano design of electroactive materials to store energy and desalinate water”.

Aura Tolosa presents work at the 14th International conference on materials chemistry (MC14) in Birmingham, UK. Her talk is entitled “One-pot synthesis of electrospun hybrid fibers as binder-free electrodes for lithium-ion batteries”.

Volker Presser is giving a plenary lecture entitled ” A tale of two technologies: capacitive deionization and supercapacitors” at the ISEEcap conference in Nantes, France.

Our team has two active contributions at the 2019 MRS Spring Meeting in Phoenix, USA. On April 25th, Öznil Budak is giving an oral presentation entitled “Facile synthesis of vanadium (III) oxide/carbon core/shell hybrid particles as an anode for lithium-ion batteries”. On April 24th, Volker Presser is giving an invited oral presentation entitled “Perspectives on water desalination with ion intercalation compounds”.

Our PhD students Öznil Budak, Hwirim Shim, and Simon Fleischmann present their work as poster contributions on today’s PhD Day of Saarland University at 2 PM in the Aula.

There are several contributions of our team at the 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) in Bologna, Italy. On September 6th, Simon Fleischmann will give an oral presentation entitled “Asymmetric hybrid supercapacitors using molybdenum oxide / carbon nanotube hybrid anodes”, Volker Presser will give a keynote presentation entitled “Water desalination with ion intercalation electrode materials”, and Juhan Lee will give an oral presentation entitled “Faradaic desalination with carbon/metal oxide nanohybrid electrodes”. There will also be two poster presentations: on September 4th, Juhan Lee will present a poster entitled “Potential-dependent, switchable ion selectivity in aqueous media using titanium disulfide”, and on September 5th, Pattarachai Srimuk will present a poster entitled “Potential-dependent, switchable ion selectivity in aqueous media using titanium disulfide”.

The  International Nanoscience Student Conference (INASCON) is taking place this year in Trondheim, Norway. On August 8th, Simon Fleischmann gives an oral presentation entitled “Design of carbon/metal oxide hybrids for electrochemical energy storage”. On August 9th, Jaehoon Choi gives an oral presentation entitled “Synthesis and characterization of a nanostructured lamellar vanadium disulfide / carbon hybrid material”.

This year, we have to oral presentations at the Annual Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS) in Phoenix, USA. Simon Fleischmann gives a talk entitled “Tailored Mesoporous Carbon/Vanadium Pentoxide Hybrid Materials for Pseudocapacitive Lithium and Sodium Intercalation” on April 3rd. This work was in collaboration with Lars Borchardt (TU Dresden). Aura Tolosa gives a talk entitled “Hybrid titanium-niobium oxide/carbon electrospun nanofibers as lithium-ion battery electrodes” on April 6th.

Like all years before, our team is again making a major contribution to the PhD student poster symposium of Saarland University. The event is being held in the Aula from 2-4 PM.

  • Simon Fleischmann: Carbon onion / metal oxide: hybridization or nanocomposite? What system can deliver a better performance for electrochemical energy storage?
  • Nicolas Jäckel: Performance evaluation of conductive additives for supercapacitor electrodes
  • Benjamin Krüner: Novolac‐derived carbon beads for LiS‐batteries, supercapacitors, and capacitive deionization
  • Juhan Lee: Redox electrolytes for high performance electrochemical energy storage
  • Hwirim Shim: Lithium titanium oxide/carbon onion hybrid as an anode material for lithium ion batteries
  • Aura Tolosa: Continuous hybrid fibers: highways for rapid electron transport in battery electrodes

Volker Presser is giving a seminar talk at the Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research (ZAE Bayern) with the title “Electrochemical dilatometry for energy storage materials”.

Nicolas Jäckel is presenting an invited oral presentation at the 232nd ECS Meeting in National Harbor near Washington D.C. in the USA. His presentation is titled “In situ monitoring of mechanical properties via multi-length scale approach”.

Volker Presser is giving a 90 min lecture at the Edgar Lüscher Seminar in Dillingen with the title “Carbon nanomaterials”.

Volker Presser is giving the “Materials in Society’ Lecture” at the International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (DCM) in Gothenburg, Sweden. The title of the oral presentation on September, 6th,  is: “Carbon and carbon hybrid materials for electrochemical desalination”.

There are two contributions with our work at this year’s Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry. On August 29th, Juhan Lee is giving an invited oral presentation wiht the title “Redox-enabling nanoporous carbons for high-performance energy storage” and collaborator Bastian Etzold (TU Darmstadt) is giving an oral talk on “Core-shell carbide-derived carbons as platform for high performance electrochemical energy storage and electrocatalysis”.

Benjamin Krüner is presenting work at the 254th ACS National Meeting & Exposition in Washington DC, USA. His oral presentation has the title “Sub-micrometer novolac-derived carbon beads as electrodes for supercapacitors, redox electrolyte hybrids, and Li-S batteries.”.

Simon Fleischmann is presenting work at the International Nanoscience Student Conference (INASCON) in Bristol, UK. His oral presentation is entitled “Hybridization of carbon/metal oxides for electrochemical energy storage”.

Christian Prehal from the Institute of Physics at Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria) is presenting joint work on in situ tracking of ion electrosorption in nanoporous carbon at the XXVI International Materials Research Congress (IMRC) in Cancun, Mexico. The invited lecture is entitled “Structure and kinetics of ions in nanoporous carbon supercapacitors studied by in situ X-ray scattering and atomistic modelling”.

Simon Fleischmann and Marco Zeiger are participating at this years installment of the CARBON conference in Melbournce, Australia. Both our PhD students received also a travel fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Organization (DAAD) to cover the conference trip costs. On July 26th, Marco Zeiger is giving a talk called “Designing the carbon/vanadia interface for hybrid electrochemical energy storage” and Simon Fleischmann gives an oral presentation with the title “Carbon onions as substrate/conductive additive for asymmetric vanadia supercapacitor anodes”.

Our team has several contributions to the 5th International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors (ISEEcap’17) in Jena.

  • Collaborator Bastian Etzold (TU Darmstadt) is presenting on July, 11th, at 10:00 AM the following talk: “Core-shell carbide-derived carbons as platform for high-performance electrochemical energy storage and electrocatalysis”
  • Volker Presser is presenting on July, 11th, at 10:40 AM the following talk: “Redox-enabling nanoporous carbons for high-performance energy storage”
  • Nicolas Jäckel is presenting on July, 12th, at 3:45 PM the following talk: “Electrochemical in-situ tracking of volumetric changes in two-dimensional metal carbides (MXenes) in ionic liquids”
  • Collaborator Christian Koczwara (Montanuniversität Leoben) is presenting on July, 13th, at 12:10 AM the following talk: “In-situ small angle X-ray scattering as a novel tool to study ion electrosorption in supercapacitor electrodes”

Juhan Lee and Pattarachai Srimuk (Bank) are presenting works at the 2017 International Conference on Capacitive Deionization, Electrosorption & Electrodialysis in Seoul, Korea. On July 6th, Juhan is giving a talk entitled “Pseudocapacitive desalination of high concentrated saline water via vanadium pentoxide decorated multiwall carbon nanotubes”, and on the same day, Bank is speaking about “Desalination via ion intercalation of MXene”.