Our PhD student Cansu Kök presents a poster at the 2024 Fall MRS with the title “Continuous Lithium-Ion Extraction via Fuel Cell Desalination”

Volker Presser gives an oral presentation titled “Electrochemical Lithium-Ion Separation” at the Symposium on Direct Lithium-Extraction (SDLE) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany).

Volker Presser delivers an invited (online) talk on “Electrode design of supercapacitors (and beyond)” at the 1st International Conference of Advanced Energy and Functional Materials Research (AEFM 2024) in Ilmenau, Germany.

Two contributions from our team at the 38th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Nanomaterials in Electrochemistry): Volker Presser is giving an oral presentation with the title “MXene and hybrid electrodes for high performance energy storage” and Cansu Kök present a poster on “Continuous Lithium-Ion Extraction via Fuel Cell Desalination”.

Stefanie Arnold gives an oral presentation at the International Symposium on Beyond Li-Ion Batteries 2024 (BeLI24) in Padua, Italy. Her presentation has the title “Electrochemical perspectives for Lithium-ion battery recycling”

Panyu Ren gives a poster presentation on the topic “Carbon additives: friend or foe of capacitive deionization with activated carbon?” at the 37th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) in Stresa, Italy.

Jonas Oehm presents a poster with the title “On the development of a digital data management platform for battery material and processing data?” at the 245th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society in San Francisco (USA).

It is a tradition at the Natural Science Faculty of Universität des Saarlandes to have the annual PhD Day in the Aula. This year, 60 PhD student presented their research, ranging from artificial muscles, to much real mucus, from 3D printed nanofluids to very solid metals, from quantum communication to quorum sensing inhibitors. From our team:

Nikolaos Papadopoulos shared his insights into electrochemical modelling.
薛丽颖 introduced us to the concept of high-entropy battery electrodes.
Jean Gustavo De Andrade Ruthes demonstrated the exciting field of gel electrolytes.
Panyu Ren taught us the value of electrochemical ion separation.
And Le Thao presented the latest results from our collaboration with the spherogel team of Michael Elsaesser on hybrid carbon spherogels for battery applications.

Volker Presser attended the RIC2D symposium “unlocking the challenges of water scarcity: 2D materials in action” and gave an oral presentation on “Electrochemical Desalination with MXene”.

Nikolaos Papadopolous presents a poster at the Advanced Battery Power Conference in Münster, Germany with the title “Electrochemical Modeling of Gr/Si Lithium-Ion Batteries with prolonged Relaxation Times considering Kinetic, Mechanical, and Geometric Cell Characteristics”.

Congratulations to Stefanie! Her poster “High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries with High Stability Derived from Titanium-Oxide- and Sulfur-Loaded Carbon”, a direct result from our collaboration within the FWF-DFG project SPHEROGELS, won 2nd place in the Energy Category at the 2024 RSC Poster competition!

Link to the original publication: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsami.3c16851

Volker Presser gives a seminar talk with the title “Electrochemical desalination and Lithium-ion extraction” at the École normale supérieure on invitation of former group member Lucie Ries.

Stefanie Arnold presents work on electrochemical lithium ion battery recycling at the LithiumDays 2023 in Halle, Germany.

Three contributions at the Lorentz Center Workshop on Electrochemical Energy Storage in 2D and Layered Materials with two poster presentations and an oral (virtual) talk on “MXene and hybrid electrodes for high performance energy storage”.

Volker Presser gives an oral presentation at the Conference on the Safety of Advanced Materials in Saarbrücken on the topic “Synthesis and recycling of MXene electrodes for high performance energy storage”.

Volker Presser gives an online seminar with the title “Electrochemical Lithium-Ion Extraction” at DIFFER (Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research).

Work of our group has been presented at the 6th International Conference on Battery Deionization & Electrochemical Separation (BDI&E 2023). Former group member, Prof. Choonsoo Kim, presented joint work on “Redox-mediated Electrodialysis for Valorization of Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) from Semiconductor Wastewater”. Volker Presser gave an online talk on “Continuous and intermittent direct electrochemical lithium extraction”.

Jean Ruthes and Volker Presser present at the 2nd Franco-German Summer Workshop on High Power Devices in Nantes (France).

Volker speaks about “MXene and hybrid electrodes for high performance energy storage” on the 21st of June.

Jean speaks about “Hydrogel-based flexible energy storage using electrodes based on polypyrrole and carbon threads” on the 23rd of June.

Volker Presser gives an online talk entitled “Electrochemical Desalination” as part of the Nanohubs Program of the Department of Science and Technology in the Philippines within the Theme “Empowering Young Filipino Researchers for an Emerging Technology Ready Philippines”.

Joint work is presented by the Gallei Group at the Macromolecular Colloquium Freiburg (MAKRO 2023). Check out our paper with the title “Stabilizing isoporous, self-assembled block copolymer structures in membranes and cellulose hybrid materials” if you attend the event!